

Michelle Guiliano & Denise Nickerson speak and facilitate sessions on a variety of topics and work to fit talks on relevant topics into our clients demanding schedules. Lunchtime talks are possible from 45-90 minutes, and custom workshops from 90 minutes to multi-day programs.

We are hired to speak on topics such as

Social Media & Personal Brand, Getting it Right

Does your behavior on social media align with your career goals? With your company’s mission? The image you intend to project? The contemporary way to “dress for success” is more about what your on-line presence says about you than what is in your closet – enjoy some do’s and don’ts while you lunch and leave with tips and tricks to make social media work for you. 

The 7 Character Strengths for Happiness & Success

Though there are between 24- 40 recognized human character strengths, 7 have been proven through research to provide significant, substantial influence on overall well-being, happiness, and success at work and in life. Do you know what they are? Find out how to develop these strengths in yourself and your team, and how to support lifelong learning that goes beyond knowledge and skills to personal growth that makes a difference in the quality of your life.

Resilience & Endurance, Enjoying the Journey

There are lessons that come from high performance culture, particularly endurance sports that can help us all with our work and lives. Patience, kindness, determination, rhythm, mindfulness, joy, teamwork, managing your state of being when things are going well and when they are not, facing the unforeseen, and building success habits into your life can make the day-to-day experiences just as meaningful as finish line and peak experiences. Hear from Michelle and Denise about their work with Olympic and World Champions, as well as Michelle’s experience rowing the 160k Tour de Lac Leman five times – and about how to incorporate endurance values into your life.

Diversity is Good for Business, Key Facts to Have at the Ready

We have all read one or two articles and keep up with the buzzwords surrounding Balanced Leadership, Lean-In, Diversity & Inclusion and Wage Gaps. What are the hard facts? The limitations? How does this pertain to my professional life? There is plenty of research to support that diversity on teams and in leadership is just plain good for business. Learn some of these facts – not only for water cooler conversations but also to:

1. Increase personal motivation in the face of bias,

2. Encourage and lead teams with conviction

3. Strengthen your own self-confidence when you are in the minority so you will reach for advancement.

International Education: Highs School Diplomas and University Choices for Globally Mobile Families

How do globally mobile families make good university choices for their children? What about academic languages vs. family languages for multilingual families? What are the different options for secondary education and which higher education choices do these diplomas lead to? Denise shares her experience as a university admissions officer and high school counselor as well as years of work with international families to guide you through the maze of options available to today’s Global Nomads and Third Culture Kids.

Speaker Coaching

Do you have an important presentation to give in front of a group? An idea to pitch to your boss? A talk to provide at a conference? Have you been asked to be on a panel? Are you an expert in your field but find that you lose your audience’s attention when it comes time to present? Do you have stage fright? We can help! We want you to have impact when you take the stage, have the microphone, and have an opportunity to share what you know.

In addition to public speaking, we offer Speaker Coaching Services to help you communicate your message clearly with passion and energy.

Salt Consulting provides the official coaches for WikiStage Geneva.

Sourcing Other Speakers for You

We love to promote the stars in our network! We also love to leave audiences inspired, happy, and excited about life. Looking for a particular type of speaker or topic for your next event? Let us know. We have an extensive international network in the tech sector, in sports, and in education. We can help you find a phenomenal, engaging speaker and coach them to your specifications.


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