

An educational consultant helps parents, students and organizations with educational expertise and planning.

Both co-founders of Salt Consulting have educational expertise that is leveraged in our speaking, consulting, and coaching services.


Denise Nickerson is the author of Education Guide Switzerland, has visited and spoken in over 300 schools in over 30 countries, and has a Master’s Degree in Education.


Michelle Guiliano has experience as a coach in an American Ivy League university and has expert knowledge about sports scholarships for talented youth.

We guide multinationals and international organizations in their relocation and retention of international families, education policies, and learning plans. We believe in lifelong, self-directed learning and can support learning & development and training programs in organizations. Globally mobile parents, spouses, and children benefit from educational consulting leading to happier, more adjusted, and focused employees and teams.

SaltEd Services Include:

Education Lunchtime Talks in Organizations

Education-Themed Workshops

 In-House Educational Consulting Appointments with Individual Employees & Their Families

Advising Companies & Organizations on the Education Benefit Packages Provided for Staff

Creativity Consulting for Your Learning & Development Programs

Guidance & Advice for International Families for Students age 0-25

Executive Education Planning for Adults



Education Advice for Globally Mobile Families

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