Professional Coaching

Professional Coaching


Are you satisfied with your work? Your position? Your income?  Can you have influence, grow or make a difference in your job? Are you a job-seeker? Employed but under-deployed? Are you feeling stuck, trapped, blocked, or that your job is at risk? Are you following your partner or spouse in an international move? Have you just taken on a new challenge that stretches you? Did someone you respect suggest that you find a coach? Are you isolated at the top? Feeling exposed or overwhelmed? Facing stigma or pounding on a glass ceiling to no avail? Is how you’re living aligned with your values? How do you want your work to impact you, your colleagues, your organization, or the world?



Do you need guidance on education-related issues for you, your partner, or your child? Do you have an unusual educational background and need help expressing your qualifications? Does your child have test anxiety? Are you concerned about which secondary school exams are best for your child (A levels, IB, Matu, Bac, etc.)? Does your family need help preparing for a teen leaving home for university or study abroad? Do you need to meet someone who makes communicating with your teenager or young adult about education and career planning easy and enjoyable? Do you need education expertise or education talks for your school, parents’ group, or employees?



Do you ever lead meetings? Do you want to prevent boring people to death? Do you have to give presentations at work? Are you on the stage at conferences or political meetings? Do you interact with the press on a regular basis? Are you struggling to get important messages across? Do you dread speaking in front of groups? Do you think of the perfect thing to say hours after the opportunity arises? Do you present with skill, presence, and impact on a regular basis but want to take your speaking to higher level in an era of TED talks? Have you been asked to sit on a panel or deliver a keynote speech?